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Finalists of the 15th All-Russian Möbius Contest (2011)

Osinenko Anton Andreevich
(Lomonosov Moscow State University), Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 1st place
"Harmonic analysis on the infinite-dimensional unitary group"
Fonarev Anton Vyacheslavovich
(Steklov Mathematical Institute), Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 2nd place
"On minimal Lefschetz decompositions for Grassmannians"
Bufetov Alexei Igorevich
(Insitute for Information Transmission Problems), Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 3d place
"Central limit theorem for extremal characters of the infinite symmetric group"
Gusev Nikolai Anatolyevich
(Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology), Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", diploma of a finalist
"Incompressible limit of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations"
Ivanov Sergei Olegovich
(Saint Petersburg State University), Saint Petersburg
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", diploma of a finalist
"Self injective algebras of stable Calabi-Yao dimension three"
Lokharu Evgeny Eduardovich
(Saint Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute), Saint Petersburg
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", diploma of a finalist
"The Galiardo-Nirenberg inequality for maximal functions measuring smoothness"
Tolmachev Konstantin Lvovich
(Higher School of Economics), Saratov
The nomination "Undergraduates", 1st place
"Dispersion of the linear statistics of Young diagrams of Plancherel type"
Pakhomov Fedor Nikolaevich
(Lomonosov Moscow State University), Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates", 2nd place
"Undecidability of the elementary theory of the semilattice of GLP-words"
Bazhov Ivan Andreevich
(Lomonosov Moscow State University), Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist
"Orbits of group automorphisms on a complete toric surface"
Zakharov Alexander Olegovich
(Lomonosov Moscow State University), Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist
"Estimate of the rank of the intersection of subgroups in the free product of groups with amalgamated subgroup"
Tonkonog Dmitry Ivanovich
(Lomonosov Moscow State University and Independent University of Moscow), Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist
"Singularities of integrable Hamiltonian systems: a criterion for non-degeneracy, with an application to the Manakov top"
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