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Results of the 1th All-Russian Möbius Contest (1997)

Möbius Contest was first announced in spring 1997. The deadline for submission of works was early June. Nine works were submitted for the contest. As estimated by the jury all of them were rather professional and of high scientific level.

Four works were chosen for the final which was held on October 10, 1997 in the conference hall of the Independent University of Moscow. All the finalists came to the final. Each finalist made a 15-minute report on his work and answered the jury’s questions.

The final round itself was rather interesting. Intellectual tension and bright personalities were obvious even for those who didn’t fully understand the matter of works.

The winner of Möbius Contest 1997

  • After a short (closed) discussion the jury unanimously rewarded the grant of August Möbius to Alexander Kuznetsov with his work "Compactifications of the space of maps from P1 to the flag variety of a semisimple Lie group" (in Russian).


Diploma of the Independent University of Moscow and a monthly grant of $250 for one year (in rubles).

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