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Winners of the Fifteenth
All-Russian Möbius Contest – our congratulations!

Finalists of the 15th All-Russian Möbius Contest
Photo, left to right, sitting: Konstantin Tonlmachev, Anton Osinenko, Ivan Bazhov, Fedor Pakhomov, standing: Anton Fonarev, Alexander Zakharov, Alexei Bufetov, Dmitry Tonkonog, Nikolai Gusev, Evgeny Lokharu, Sergei Ivanov.

Finalists of the 15th Möbius Contest (2011), nomination "Undergraduates and graduates"

Finalists of the 15th All-Russian Möbius Contest (2011), nomination Undergraduates and graduates
Photo, left to right: Anton Fonarev, Anton Osinenko, Alexei Bufetov, Nikolai Gusev, Evgeny Lokharu, Sergei Ivanov.

In the "Undergraduates and graduates" nomination Anton Osinenko was the first, Anton Fonarev the second, and Alexei Bufetov the third. Nikolai Gusev, Sergei Ivanov, and Evgeny Lokharu got finalist diplomas.

Finalists of the 15th Möbius Contest (2011), nomination "Undergraduates"

Finalists of the 15th All-Russian Möbius Contest (2011), nomination Undergraduates
Photo, left to right: Konstantin Tolmachev, Ivan Bazhov, Alexander Zakharov, Dmitry Tonkonog, Fedor Pakhomov.

In the "Undergraduates" nomination Konstantin Tolmachev was the first, Fedor Pakhomov the second. Ivan Bazhov, Alexander Zakharov, and Dmitry Tonkonog got finalist diplomas.

Jury members of the Möbius Contest

Jury members of the All-Russian Möbius Contest
Photo, left to right: S.M.Natanzon, M.N.Vyalyi, B.L.Feigin (president), M.E.Kazarian, S.M.Gusein-Zade, A.L.Gorodentsev.

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