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Alexander Kuznetsov is the winner of the first Möbius Contest in 1997

Alexander Kuznetsov

Alexander was born in Moscow in 1973.

He showed early interest in mathematics and managed to enter a famous school no. 57. He took part in mathematical contests but never received high awards.

Finishing school in 1990, he entered mechanical and mathematical department of Moscow State University and Independent University of Moscow at the same time.

Graduating from Moscow State University and Independent University of Moscow in 1995 he started graduate courses in both universities.

His scientific adviser was a well-known algebraic geometrician Aleksey Bondal. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1999.

The first scientific works of a young mathematician aroused interest among experts. Their quality was supported by Mobius Contest award and invitation to study in a well-known Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton for two terms and also in other universities of USA.

There is no doubt that all Alexander’s achievements could guarantee him a position in one of the leading universities of North America butin 1999 he started his work as a junior research assistant in the Institute for Information transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At the same time he found time to lecture compulsory and special courses in the Independent University of Moscow.

In 2002 Alexander Kuznetsov moved to Algebra department of Steklov Mathematical Institute as a senior scientific assistant and has been working there since then. Moreover he works in the Independent University of Moscow as a professor-researcher.

In 2005 Alexander became one of the winners of Pierre Deligne Contest. In 2008 he got an award of the European Mathematical Society. In February 2009 he received an award 2008 of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists in science and innovations for important scientific achievements in algebraic geometry.

Alexander Kuznetsov wrote about 30 scientific works. He is interested in Algebraic geometry, non-commutative geometry, derivative categories of coherent bundles, bilateral symmetry and Fano variety.

Alexander is married. He has got two daughters and a son.

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