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Finalists of the 25th All-Russian Möbius Contest (2021)

Bolbachan Vasily
Higher School of Economics, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 1st place»
«Chow dilogarithm and reciprocity laws»
Tyurin Dimitry
Higher School of Economics, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 1st place»
«Milnor K-groups and differential forms»
Semeon Abramyan
Higher School of Economics and Scholtech, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 3rd place»
«On homology of the MSU spectrum»
Elizaveta Artemova
Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 3rd place»
«Operator error estimates for homogenization of nonstationary Schrodinger-type equations»
Elizaveta Zhuravleva
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", diploma of a finalist»
«Adams-Hilton models and higher Whitehead brackets for polyhedral products»
Vladislav Kibkalo
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", diploma of a finalist»
«Topological invariants of Kovalevskaya system and its analogs»
Natalia Semenova
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", diploma of a finalist»
«New estimates for short Kloosterman sums with weights»
Igor Spiridonov
Higher School of Economics and Scholtec, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates", 1st place»
«The Top Homology Group of the Genus 3 Torelli Group»
Nikita Karagodin
Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg
The nomination "Undergraduates", 2nd place»
«A limit theorem for the last exit time from a moving boundary for a Gaussian process»
Stepan Alexandrov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist»
«Combinatorial properties of compact hyperbolic Coxeter polytopes»
Tikhon Pshenitsyn
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist»
«Powerful and NP-complete: Hypergraph Lambek Grammars»
Vasilii Rozhdestvenskii
Higher School of Economics, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist»
«Steenrod's problem on realization of cycles»

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