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Finalists of the 24rd All-Russian Möbius Contest (2020)

Adler Dmitry
Higher School of Economics, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 1st place»
«The structure of the algebra of weak Jacobi forms for the root system F4»
Oganesyan Kristina
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 1st place»
«Some estimates of Weil sums and their applications in function theory»
Shulga Nikita
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 3rd place»
«Diophantine properties of fixed points and derivative of iterations of Minkowski question mark function»
Dorodnyi Mark
Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", diploma of a finalist»
«Operator error estimates for homogenization of nonstationary Schrödinger-type equations»
Feklistov Sergei
(Сибирский федеральный университет), Красноярск
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", diploma of a finalist»
«The Hartogs extension phenomenon in spherical varieties»
Chernykh Georgy
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", diploma of a finalist»
«SU-linear operations in complex cobordism and c_1-spherical bordism theory»
Nordskova Anna
Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg
The nomination "Undergraduates", 1st place»
«Faithful braid group actions via twists along ADE-configurations of spherical objects of non-positive Calabi-Yau dimension»
Veprev Georgii
Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg
The nomination "Undergraduates", 2nd place»
«Non-existence of a universal zero entropy system for non-periodic amenable group actions»
Spiridonov Igor
Higher School of Economics, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates", 3rd place»
«On the Structure of the Top Homology Group of the Johnson Kernel»
Dzhunusov Sergei
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist»
«Additive actions on complete toric surfaces and On uniqueness of additive actions on complete toric varieties»
Mamaev Daniil
Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist»
«Oriented Area as a Morse Function on Polygon Spaces»
Smolin Vladislav
Ural Federal University Ekaterinburg
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist»
«Open images of the Sorgenfrey line»

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