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Finalists of the 23rd All-Russian Möbius Contest (2019)

Klemyatin Nikita
Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 1st place
"Dolbeault cohomology of compact complex manifolds with an action of a complex Lie group"
Loginov Konstantin
Higher School of Economics and Independent University of Moscow (Moscow)
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 2nd place
"Semitable degenerations of Fano varieties"
Sagdeev Arsenii
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Moscow)
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", 3rd place
"On asymmetric Diophantine approximation"
Gvozdevskiy Pavel
Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg)
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", diploma of a finalist
"Overgroups of subsystem subgroups in exceptional groups: 2A1-proof"
Osipov Pavel
Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
The nomination "Undergraduates and graduates", diploma of a finalist
"Projective Hessian and Sasakian manifolds"
Ustinov Nikita
Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg)
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist
"The effect of curvature in fractional Hardy-Sobolev inequality with the Spectral Dirichlet Laplacian"
Kulikov Aleksei
Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg)
The nomination "Undergraduates", 1st place
"On the Heins Theorem"
Chernykh Georgii
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow)
The nomination "Undergraduates", 2nd place
"SU-bordism: structure results and geometric representatives"
Zaitseva Yuliya
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow)
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist
"Commutative algebraic monoid structures on affine spaces"
Morozov Egor
Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist
"Surfaces containing two parabolas through each point"
Oganesyan Kristina
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow)
The nomination "Undergraduates", diploma of a finalist
"The sets of zeros and the sets of positivity of the sums of nondegenerate sine series with monotone coefficients"
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