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Contestants of the 17th All-Russian Möbius Contest (2013)

Undergraduates and graduates

Akimova Alena Andreevna
South Ural State University
 Classification of genus 1 virtual knots having at most 5 classical crossings
Alpeev Andrei Victorovich
Saint-Petersburg State University
 Entropy and Kolmogorov complexity for subshifts over amenable groups
Gavrikov Alexander Vladimirovich
Chernyshevsky Saratov State Universisty
 T-irreducible extension of some types of orgraph and their unions
Golovina Anastasiya Mikhailovna
M.Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University
 On resolvent and spectrum of perturbed periodic differential operator
Davydov Alexei Pavlovich
St Petersburg Academic University – Nanotechnology Research and Education Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(St Petersburg)
 New Algorithms for Solving Tropical Linear Systems
Zakharov Alexander Olegovich
Lomonosov Moscow State University
 On the rank of the intersection of free subgroups in virtually free groups
Krepkiy Ilya Alexandrovich
Saint-Petersburg State University
 The sandpile groups of graphs of classes CHn(a1,...,an)
Kolkova Tatyana Victorovna
Tambov State Technical University
 The mathematical modeling of the automation of the process of selecting a system for purification of gas emissions chemical industries
Kuzovatov Vyacheslav Igorevich
Siberian Federal University
 On a boundary analog of the Forelli theorem
Nilov Fedor Konstantinovich
Lomonosov Moscow State University
 On the Blaschke-Bol problem in the plane
Ostroushko Ekaterina Dmitrievna
Kuban State University
 About properties of functions represented by its generalized derivatives with respect to the conjugate variable
Papayan Grigory Sergeevich
Higher School of Economics
 Hermitian symplectic manifolds are cohomologically Kaehler
Parfenova Elena Sergeevna
Tomsk Polytechnic University
 Modeling of wave processes associated with diffusion of impurity and mechanical stress interaction in the surface processing of metals with particle fluxes
Rudenko Daniil Glebovich
Saint-Petersburg State University
 Arithmetic of 3-valent graphs and equidissections of flat surfaces
Smirnov Gleb Evgenievich
Lomonosov Moscow State University
 Focus singularities in classical mechanics
Taltykina Maria Yur’evna
Far Eastern State Transport University
 Application of mosaic-skeleton approximation for numerical solving Dirichlet problem for Helmholtz equation
Todorov Dmitry Igorevich
Saint-Petersburg State University
 Lipschitz inverse shadowing for nonsingular flows
Fedorov Gleb Vladimirovich
Higher School of Economics
 The upper limit value of the divisor function with growing dimension
Chebunin Mikhail Georgievich
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
 Estimation on the parameter by the number of distinct samples in some one-parametric probabilistic models


Anisimova Maria Alexandrovna
Tomsk Polytechnic University
 Modeling of thermophysical phenomena accompanying the oxygen cutting of metals
Artemyev Mikhail Alexandrovich
Higher School of Economics
 Number of faces of centrally symmetric polytopes
Banshchikova Irina Nikolaevna
Udmurt State University
 Some properties of almost periodic functions
Vasiliev Ioann Mikhailovich
Saint-Petersburg State University
 The property log(ƒ) ∈ BMO(ℝn) in terms of the Riesz transformations
Galashin Pavel Alexandrovich
Saint-Petersburg State University
 Existence of a persistent hub in the convex preferential attachment model
Zaitseva Irina Vladimirovna
Udmurt State University
 Spectral properties of the discrete magnetic Schrodinger operator in the ring
Karpukhin Mikhail Alexandrovich
Lomonosov Moscow State University
 Maximization of the first nontrivial eigenvalue on the surface of genus two
Lavrenov Andrei Valentinovich
Saint-Petersburg State University
 Unitary Steinberg group is centrally closed
Senik Nikita Nikoloaevich
Saint-Petersburg State University
 Homogenization for a periodic elliptic operator in a strip with various boundary conditions
Sukhanov Lev Alexandrovich
Higher School of Economics
 Differential-graded Lie algebra triviality criterion
Tarasenko Anton Sergeevich
Novosibirsk State University
 On the asymptotic of the mean of sojourn time in the half-axis for random walk
Shchelchkov Kirill Alexandrovich
Udmurt State University
 Conflict interaction between groups of managed objects
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