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Contestants of the 9th All-Russian Möbius Contest (2005)

Averbukh Yuriy V.
 Probabilistic cellular automata and theory of Gibbs distributions (in Russian)
Averiyanov Ilya V.
 Проблема Прочези для алгебры общих матриц порядка 3 (in Russian)
Aleshin Pavel S.
 Boundary problem for a differential equation of mixed type with fractional derivative and distributed delay (in Russian)
Balakin Sergey V.
 Distribution of the number of 1-c and 1-series in binary Markov chains (in Russian)
Batyrshin Ilnur I.
 Относительная перечислимость в иерархии Ершова (in Russian)
Vishnyakova Elizaveta G.
 Vector fields on flag supermanifolds (in Russian)
Volkov Sergey A.
(Dmitrov, Moscow region)
 An example of simple quasiuniversal function in the E^2 class of Grzegorczik (in Russian)
Vysotskiy Vladislav V.
(St. Petersburg)
 Functional limit theorem for the particle position in the Lorentz model (in Russian)
Gaifullin Aleksandr A.
 Local formulas for combinatorial Pontryagin classes (in Russian)
Glibichuk Aleksey A.
 Comnational properties of sets of residue modulio prime and the Erdoes-Graham problem (in Russian)
Gordienko Aleksey S.
 Codimension and colength of a matrix algebra (in Russian)
Gorskiy Evgeniy A.
 On divisors filtrations in sheaves (in Russian)
Dogaev Sergey I.
 Solving nonstationary Navier-Stokes equation by the boundary elements method (in Russian)
Durov Nikolay V.
(St. Petersburg)
 A method for computation of the Galois group for a polynomial with rational coefficients (in Russian)
Zubareva Anastasiya A.
 Gamma-compactification of the segment [0,1] bearing a non-Hausdorff topology (in Russian)
Ilyasov Viktor N.
 Вполне автоматные биномиальные алгебры (in Russian)
Kulakov Kirill A.
 Generation of systems of homogeneous nonnegative linear differential equations (in Russian)
Lebedeva Elena A.
 Minimization of the indeterminability constant for a family of Meyer surges (in Russian)
Lifshits Evgeniy D.
 On recurrent greedy algorithm (in Russian)
Lifshits Yuriy M.
(St. Petersburg)
 Search for a subsequence in compressed texts (in Russian)
Losev Ivan V.
 Collective invariants of algebraic hamiltonian actions (in Russian)
Lukonina Anna S.
 О сходимости разложений по собственным и присоединённым функциям одного дифференциально-разностного оператора с интегральнымграничным условием (in Russian)
Mironov Denis V.
 Closed embeddings of spherical homogeneous spaces of reductive groups into irreducible G-modules (in Russian)
Mnev Pavel N.
(St. Petersburg)
 Towards simplicial chern-simons theory I
Moreva Natalya S.
 Finite and counable uniqueness sets for Walsh series (in Russian)
Mylnikov Andrey L.
 Nilpotency of the commutant of a finite twisted group (in Russian)
Nikitenko Evgeniy V.
 Six-dimensional Einstein solvemanifolds (in Russian)
Opokina Nadezhda A.
 The Killing form on tensor bundles of a Lie group (in Russian)
Oschepkova Olga S.
 On convexity of the hyperspace conv(X) in the generalized Pompeiu metrics (in Russian)
Patrakeev Mikhail A.
 Continuous maps between powers of the Sorgenfrei line (in Russian)
Pervyshev Konstantin V.
(St. Petersburg)
 Иерархии по времени для вычисления с одним битом подсказки (in Russian)
Petrov Fedor V.
(St. Petersburg)
 On the number of rational points on a strictly convex curve (in Russian)
Piftankin Gennadiy The diffusion speed in the Meser problem (in Russian)
Pozdyaev Vladimir V.
 An analytic criterion for existence of general quadratic Lyapunov funcion for a set of stochastic linear systems of order two (in Russian)
Popov Andrey V.
 Description of excitations of multi-electron systems in the stong fields (in Russian)
Popov Andrey V.
 Фрактальное движение электронов с переменной слабой памятью и нелокальностью (in Russian)
Popov Vitaliy V.
 Solution of the spectral problem in the method of the electonic density functional (in Russian)
Reshetnichenko Maksim V.
 Псевдопростые унары (in Russian)
Salnikov Vladimir N.
 Нелинейная динамика в термостате Нозе-Гувера (in Russian)
Sergeeva Olga A.
 Banach spaces of multiplicative norms (in Russian)
Silnichenko А. V.
 On the rate of convergence for greedy algorithms (in Russian)
Filipyev Ivan A.
(Taganrog, Rostov region)
 A Paley-Wiener-Schwartz type theorem for the spaces of ultradifferentiable functions (in Russian)
Shamiladze Timur G.
 Classification of boolean functions using invariants of their matrix representation (in Russian)
Shevaldina Elena V.
 Approximation by local exponential knots (in Russian)
Shneytsberg Igor I.
 Belorousski-Pandharipande relation in DGBV algebras
Yanovskiy Timur A.
 Analysis and synthesis of a high precision system of quasi-Newtonian optimization (in Russian)
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